Long case

 Case presentation:

Chief complaints :

Yellowish discolouration of eyes since 4 days

Indigestion and tightness of abdomen since 4 days

History of present illness:

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 2 yrs back,then he developed pain abdomen,acute in onset,not associated with vomiting,diarrhoea,jaundice or fever,  he went to nearby hospital and was diagnosed with fatty liver, pt said that Doctors prescribed some medication and pain got relieved after using those medicines.

Then after 1year patient developed pedal edema which gradually progressed and developed generalised anasarca,jaundice and abdominal distension and abdominal tightness.he was admitted in hospital and evaluated.

He got diagnosed  with liver disease during hospital stay and underwent paracentesis for ascites.

Since then patient had 2 to 3 hospital admissions  with similar complaints like pedal edema,abdominal distension,jaundice.

6months later patient had complaints of blood in vomitus suddenly.he had 4 to 5episodes of vomitings and approximately 20ml of blood as contents,admitted in a hospital and managed conservatively.

He underwent paracentesis 3times in a span of year

H/o jaundice 4 to 5 times in a span of 1yr

Pt had H/0 malena whenever he had hematemesis.

2 months back 1 episode/ day hemetemesis For which he admitted in NIMS for 1 week , conservatively managed , esophageal varices ligation done and discharged.

Pt developed hypo pigmented lesions over both upper limbs and back and itching was present,4 months back then he using ointment for that.

H/0 of fever low grade, intermittent in nature not associated with chills and rigors.

H/0 of anorexia, fatigue and generalized weakness since 6months.

H/0 of itching present since 4 months, which generalized in onset more on the trunk and back.

H/0 of disturbed sleep since 1month, where he complained of excessive day time sleepiness and night disturbed sleep,

H/0 of yellowish discoloration of eyes 2 months back subsided, now started again since 4days

No h/0 of nausea and vomitings,

No h/0 of pain abdomen

No h/0 of decreased urine output

No h/0 of high coloured urine and clay coloured stools.

No history of shortness of breath

No history of blood transfusions

No bleeding manifestations.

No H/o usage of TB drugs or any other medication.

Past medical illness:

History of abdominal distension , bilateral pedal oedema, and hematemesis 4 to 5 episodes in a day 6months back and 1episode 2months back ,where he admitted in an hospital for 10 days which relieved with diuretics , abdominal paracentesis and gastric oesophageal ligation was done

No history of hypertension, diabetes, thyroid , epilepsy,bronchial asthma or seizure disorders.

Personal history:

He got married and in monogamous relationship with his wife.

Diet - mixed

Sleep - disturbed , excessive day time sleep , night time disturbed sleep since one month.

Appetite- decreased

Bladder habits- regular and normal

Habits- chronic consumption of alcohol since 20 years daily , country liquor of 500 ml nearly 110gm per day, and whisky of 150 ml per day nearly 50gm per day

Last binge of alcohol - 2months back

Summary - 

Decompensated chronic liver disease secondary to ethanol consumption, with ascites, portal hypertension, hepatic encephalopathy stage 1 

Acute decompensation due to ?hepatitis 

? spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 

General physical examination :

Moderately built and nourished.

Patient is oriented to time , place and person.

Height : 175cms

Weight :55kgs

GCS - E4 V5 M6  


Pulse - 82 beats per minute, regular normal volume ,and character, no radio radial or radio femoral delay.

Blood pressure - 100/70 mm Hg, left arm supine position.

Respiratory rate - 18 cpm, thoracoabdominal. 

Spo2- 98 % on room air

Jvp - not elevated.

Physical examination- 

pallor - present

Icterus - present

No cyanosis

No clubbing

No generalized lymphadenopathy

Pedal edema + 

Head to toe examination- 

No tattoos or evidence of drug abuse

Axillary and public hair - sparse.

B/ l parotid enlargement - negative

No fetor hepaticus

No asterixis

No gynaecomastia

Spider nevi - absent

No plantar erythema

No leuconychia 

No duputryen's contracture

No evidence of xanthoma and xanthelasma.

Flapping tremors - seen.

Inspection - 

Oral cavity - No dental caries and no Tobacco staining,no oral ulcers,chelosis or stomatitis

Abdomen - flanks full, distension.no visible scars or sinuses

No Umbilical hernia.

Distended veins present.

No visible peristalsis or no visible pulsations.

Palpation - 

Done in supine position with Both Limbs flexed and hands by side of body.

No tenderness or local rise of temperature.

Abdomen - soft.

No gaurding and rigidity

Lower border of liver palpable.

Spleen not palpable 

Kidneys bimanually palpable , ballotable.

Fluid thrill - present

Shifting dullness present+

Abdominal girth - 89 cms . 

Xiphisternum to umbilicus - 16 cms

Public symphysis to umbilicus - 13cms

Percussion - 

Liver span - upper border of liver dullness in 5 th intercoastal space in mid clavicular line, lower border 3cm from coastal margin.

Auscultation : 

Normal bowel sounds heard.

No hepatic bruit , venous hum or friction rub.

Examination of external genitilia - No testicular atrophy.

Examination of spine - Normal.

Provisional diagnosis - 

Decompensated chronic liver disease

Etiology - chronic ethanol related.

 Ascites , ?SBP, Hepatic encephalopathy 

 Esophageal gastric ligation bands were. 


CTP SCORE - class C



CBP - 

HB - 7.3

TLC - 9600

PLT - 1.97 LAKH

CUE -  

Albumin- trace

Sugar- nil

Rbcs- nil

Pus cells - 2 to 3


Blood urea - 12mg/ dl

Serum creatinine - 0.7mg/dl

Sodium - 139 meq/l

Potassium - 3.4meq/l

Chloride - 99 meq/l

Uric acid - 5.0 

Calcium - 9.1

Phosphorus - 7.0 

LFT - 

Total bilirubin - 10.46 mg/ dl

Direct bilirubin - 8.84mg/dl

SGOT - 140IU/L

SGPT - 17 IU/L

ALP - 321 IU/L

Total protein - 6.9gm/dl

Albumin - 2.2 gm/ dl

RBS- 70mg/dl

Ascitic fluid analysis -

SAAG - 1.85. Serumalbumin - 2.2

                         Ascitic albumin - 0.35

Ascitic LDH - 38 IU/ L

Ascitic sugar - 126mg/ dl

Ascitic protein - 0.8 g/dl

Appearance - Clear

Neutrophil count - .

Total count -

RBCS - nil

PT - 18 Sec.

APTT - 35sec.

INR - 1.33


Hiv - negative.

Hbsag -negative.

Hcv - negative 

Clinical images:

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1)Hepatomegaly with altered echotexture of liver

2)Chronic thrombosis of extrahepatic portion of portal vein with portal recanalisation

3)Multiple periportal ,perisplenic,peripancreatic collaterals noted


EF 62 %

No RWMA,good LV systolic function

No diastolic dysfunction 


Chest xray PA view:

Provisional diagnosis






Fluid restriction

Salt restriction

1)TAB LASIX 40 mg/BD


3)TAB UDILIV 300 mg po /BD

4)Syrp LACTULOSE 20 ml po /TID



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